Women's leather handcuffs Whips

PLN 100.15
Shipping from warehouse: ⁨P5⁩
Estimated shipping: Mon, Jun 10 - Tue, Jun 11
14 days returnUnconditional return policy
moderate quantity
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Status type:In stock

Leather handcuffs in black and red fastened with massive buckles. Adjustable size.

Cuff width: 4cm

Length: 17-22cm

Chain length - approx. 30cm

The product was made very carefully from natural cow leather. This leather is treated using the traditional method, vegetable tannins in the oldest active tannery in Poland. This skin is very strong and at the same time delicate to the touch, in addition, it is characterized by an exciting fragrance. It has a unique feature of adapting to the shape of the body and over time acquires nobility. The product is very good in terms of quality.

Made in Poland

Package: elegant black box

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