Joko Pressed Powder Finish your Make up No. 15 8g

PLN 35.00
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Estimated shipping: Mon, Jun 3 - Thu, Jun 6
14 days returnUnconditional return policy
moderate quantity
Product code:
127093 / 5903216601281

The powder will matte the complexion, even out the color, protect against external factors, and above all fix the makeup. Introducing THE SATIN PRESSED POWDER FINISH your MAKE-UP by JOKO, which combines a vapor-free formula and modern active ingredients, providing a flawlessly smooth and radiant complexion. Thanks to natural components (micronized talc) it absorbs excess sebum, while not drying out delicate parts of the face – it is the perfect finish to everyday makeup. The cosmetic smoothly spreads over the skin, perfectly harmonizing with any foundation. The delicate, satin structure of the powder perfectly corrects fine wrinkles and irregularities, bringing out the natural beauty of the skin. It soothes irritations, does not dry out and softens the epidermis. Recommended for all skin types, including sensitive skin and with cracked capillaries.

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