Glove, puppet, from the collection: classic heroes

PLN 115.33
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moderate quantity
Product code:
74604 / 4001998074604


Size:Parcel Locker A

Glove, Puppet, from the Collection: Classic Heroes A dream gift for every baby. It's time to play. Just put a glove on your hand and tell the funniest stories. The charming Elephant with the rattle, the Monkey with the pipe, the multi-colored rings and the safety mirror will allow you to spin the most fantastic stories, which will surely delight everyone. Excellent materials and shape of the toy will make children will not want to let it out of their hands. The Magic Glove will quickly become the best companion for everyday games. The mascot is made of many, pleasant to the touch, materials. Washable. Size: 25 cm. All toys of the German brand FEHN are safe for children from 0 years. They are made of the best quality materials. They meet EN71, CE standards, tested in the institutes "Stiftung Warentest"" or "Ökotest". 74604

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